Tuesday, June 28, 2016

NEVER admit defeat

What a journey this has been... I was doing all too well.  Then I broke... last night I caved. I ate a delicious pastry, and half a brownie.  It is so hard having a household not on the same eating plan. It took little time for my body to physically reject all of that sugar.  I was up late sick to my stomach. You would've thought I ate a container of ice cream. Lesson learned!

It wasn't worth it... the guilt was ridiculous though. I mean I felt like I cheated on my spouse... silly I know.  It was horrible... I felt as though I had failed everyone and myself. That is when I realized the kind of pressure I was putting on myself. No wonder I caved and nearly had a mental breakdown over it.

It is ok to make mistakes. I am human, I love food.  Am I going to regain everything and let all my hard work go to waste! NO! I picked up right where I left off this morning. I was upset with myself, but I am working to learn to be more forgiving of myself. This is a repeated cycle that I really cannot afford to live with. I am ok, I am not going to die for eating some sweets and honestly it did not make me feel great so I don't desire to do it again.

Do not put yourself in this situation if you can avoid it.  You are allowed to enjoy food.  Just in the right times and portions. Do not use it to "feel good" which is what I attempted to do last night.  It didn't work. I felt worse and then I got sick.

Tomorrow is the 3rd phase of the reset and I am ready to rock this party!  Last day is July 5th! I can and I will complete this, and then I will move onto something new and incredible!  Are you going to join me?  Send me a message if your interested!

Saturday, June 18, 2016


Yesterday was a bit rough for me. I was feeling insecure, tired, and stressed out about all these changes.  Today I woke up a bit more refreshed and motivated.  I can do this!  I am making some amazing changes and my body is certainly noticing.  I am beginning the detox process, and beginning to feel lighter.  Not just my weight, but my movements.  I can move a bit more comfortably with less pain.  It is amazing what kind of things help you feel better.  Honestly, I don't miss meat either! I love me some steak or bbq chicken, but right now that doesn't even sound appealing. I think that is partially due to the heat too! It is so much easier to focus on salads and light foods when it is so hot!

I've been thinking about my old habits and way of eating. Convenient that is what it was. It was convenient to eat what was around me. It was so much easier to pick up something on the go then to prepare a meal!  I also realized how much I over snack!  I do not need a snack every hour!  I was literally eating out of boredom!  I can accomplish great things without food in my mouth! haha!

I also am reflecting back to when I used to go eat out of habit. I wanted a break eat, or drink something like coffee.  I don't need 3-4 cups of coffee a day. Do I enjoy them? Yes!  However, there comes a point when habits are just that.  HABITS.  Something we need to break away from sometimes.  We don't NEED them, we want them. We rely on them for just a moment of comfort. Don't get me wrong... it isn't bad to indulge from time to time.  However, we move past the point of once in a while to a regular habitual basis. That is where the addication comes in.  It consimes our thoughts. It overwhelms our emotions.  Before we know it.... we HAVE TO HAVE IT!  Then the Binge eating comes in and you just cannot get enough.  

That is the problem for me.  This is why the Reset is so amazing for me. I am forcing myself to refocus on what I am eating and why I am eating it. I need to eat based on how it makes my body feel not my emotions.  My body enjoys the good healthy food. Honestly, the lack of meat it really beginning to become appealing to me.  Who knows.... maybe I will be primarily vegetarian.  I'm not rushing into anything, but I am not running back for a giant steak.

Thanks for reading my inner contemplations.  Hopefully, you can relate.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Reset Day 1 Vlogs

End of Day 1

First thing this morning.....

Reset Day 1

Today is the first day of my reset. I've been really anxious about this and of course messed up the first meal I didn't do anything wrong I just Ada sweet potato instead of the plan breakfast. Apparently you cannot deviate from the recipe list so now I have to go to back to the store and make sure I have enough. I did not realize it was going to be so complicated but I'm really glad and it's a learning process. I really want this to work so I'm going to follow through. Not going to lie I felt disappointment in myself and not following the directions clearly but that's going to change moving forward. I started today at 210 pounds and I am hoping to have a healthy weight by the end and at least just feel better. I've been feeling very lethargic lately stressed out and I'm hoping this will alleviate some of that. Bear with me as I clear my mind and get used to not having coffee. I'm no longer going to use those things as a crutch for comfort. Food is not my comfort. God is.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


So I wanted to share my progress since I have begun this journey.  The first week I still ate a lot of sugar, this is the first week without sugar.  Look at those results!  I've lost 3.5 inches on my waist!  There are times when I feel weak, when I want to cave.  Then I look at this progression and I do not want to just give up!  I fear failure, but honestly everyday is a challenge and I cannot live my life fearing failure.  I am doing this... regardless of visual outcome. I feel so much better. I move with less pain (notice I said less).  I can bend over a little further and not wanna pass out. I can excercise a little harder and not want to cry.  I AM SO PROUD OF ME!  Thank you for experiencing this with me.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Getting that Momentum

Getting that momentum and keeping it is a struggle but not impossible.  It is so easy to backslide... to revert back to old routines.  This is an era of change, we can choose to go with the flow and adapt or just be stuck in the past.

I am so thankful God opened my eyes.  No more looking for a "diet" to lose the weight, I found something better... a new lifestyle.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


It is all about renewing your mindset. I admitted to be a binge eater. I accepted my addiction instead of changing it. I allowed my mind to believe that as a "FACT" of who I was. I am Danielle, not Danielle the food addict. I am a mom, wife, a child of God. That is a FACT. I am healthier today than I was last week. FACT.
God is so good (FACT) to help me to renew my mind, and see that I can be so much more than a number on the scale, or a box of donuts.

You can change your frame of mind, you have to choose to. No one else can but you. FACT

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Baby steps + Dedication = Results

By the way after I recorded this video I did my measurements, and I am 2 inches smaller all around! All in 1 week!  I am stoked to see what I am capable of!