Tuesday, June 28, 2016

NEVER admit defeat

What a journey this has been... I was doing all too well.  Then I broke... last night I caved. I ate a delicious pastry, and half a brownie.  It is so hard having a household not on the same eating plan. It took little time for my body to physically reject all of that sugar.  I was up late sick to my stomach. You would've thought I ate a container of ice cream. Lesson learned!

It wasn't worth it... the guilt was ridiculous though. I mean I felt like I cheated on my spouse... silly I know.  It was horrible... I felt as though I had failed everyone and myself. That is when I realized the kind of pressure I was putting on myself. No wonder I caved and nearly had a mental breakdown over it.

It is ok to make mistakes. I am human, I love food.  Am I going to regain everything and let all my hard work go to waste! NO! I picked up right where I left off this morning. I was upset with myself, but I am working to learn to be more forgiving of myself. This is a repeated cycle that I really cannot afford to live with. I am ok, I am not going to die for eating some sweets and honestly it did not make me feel great so I don't desire to do it again.

Do not put yourself in this situation if you can avoid it.  You are allowed to enjoy food.  Just in the right times and portions. Do not use it to "feel good" which is what I attempted to do last night.  It didn't work. I felt worse and then I got sick.

Tomorrow is the 3rd phase of the reset and I am ready to rock this party!  Last day is July 5th! I can and I will complete this, and then I will move onto something new and incredible!  Are you going to join me?  Send me a message if your interested!

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