Thursday, July 23, 2015

The key is to live not deprive

My coworker noticed that I look like I am
looking thinner. My husband mentioned something to me the other night too. That means so much more than the numbers on the scale.  Changes that I have made have been both big and small...

  • Walking.... every other day just 20 minutes at my kids/dogs pace.  The point is... MOVE... even just a little more than normal.

  • Calorie counting... I stopped trying to give up everything. It was forcing me to quit too soon. I allow myself the things I love as long as i have made room and balanced healthy options throughout my day. 

  • Setting reasonable goals.

I want to walk/run a 5k with my daughter this year.  This is something that I know will be memorable and mean a lot to her as it will me. 

Lose at least 25 lbs by December. I think that is reasonable and healthy. 

Teach my children not about weight loss but about healthy living. They are watching me make choices over foods that are healthy and unhealthy. I want them knowledgeable about the decisions I am making so they know they do not ever need to deprive themselves, but they should never over eat out of solace or boredom as I have been showing them.

The majority of my issue is mental... it is a sickness. I am addicted to food. I am a carb loving emotional eater.  The thing is I cannot live without food... however, I can control the food I eat and not allow it to control me!

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